18. Video: Multicollinearity & VIFs

Multicollinearity & VIFs

We would like x-variables to be related to the response, but not to be related to one another. When our x-variables are correlated with one another, this is known as multicollinearity. Multicollinearity has two potential negative impacts. As you saw in the previous example,

  1. The expected relationships between your x-variables and the response may not hold when multicollinearity is present. That is, you may expect a positive relationship between the explanatory variables and the response (based on the bivariate relationships), but in the multiple linear regression case, it turns out the relationship is negative.

  2. Our hypothesis testing results may not be reliable. It turns out that having correlated explanatory variables means that our coefficient estimates are less stable. That is, standard deviations (often called standard errors) associated with your regression coefficients are quite large. Therefore, a particular variable might be useful for predicting the response, but because of the relationship it has with other x-variables, you will no longer see this association.

We have also looked at two different ways of identifying multicollinearity:

  1. Looking at the correlation of each explanatory variable with each other explanatory variable (with a plot or the correlation coefficient).
  2. Looking at VIFs for each variable.

When VIFs are greater than 10, this suggests that multicollinearity is certainly a problem in your model. Some experts even suggest that VIFs of greater than 5 can be problematic. In most cases, not just one VIF is high, but rather many VIFs are high, as these are measures of how related variables are with one another.

The most common way of working with correlated explanatory variables in a multiple linear regression model is simply to remove one of the variables that is most related to the other variables. Choosing an explanatory variable that you aren't interested in, or isn't as important to you, is a common choice.